Ecology & drainage

Ecology & drainage

Specialise surveys have been undertaken at the site for protected species identified at the scoping stage.

The development will deliver new public open space for residents to enjoy which will also contribute to biodiversity net gain and replace any habitats lost. As well as delivering new open space, allotments will also be provided for residents to grow flowers, fruit and vegetables.

The proposals also provide opportunities to protect and enhance the natural landscape at the site with the retention and enhancement of the most important hedgerows and trees within the site boundary.

Surface water will be managed through a comprehensive drainage strategy. Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) will store water and release flows in a controlled manner through infiltration, in a way designed to cope with a 1 in 100-year flood with an allowed increase for climate change. This will ensure that the proposed development does not increase flood risk on site or elsewhere in North Walsham.

Foul drainage will connect to the existing network, with initial consultation with statutory providers indicating that sufficient capacity exists to receive the additional forecast flows.


Wildflower meadow